Is it possible to take on the 202 mile
American Odyssey Relay and do so in approximately 50 hours as a solo runner? That was what I endeavored to do in 2010 and what the documentary crew who followed me to film No Handoffs wanted to see. The task was daunting and beyond anything I had ever attempted at the time. It was so challenging that a select group of jealous runners not only don't think it was possible but have harassed film directors, innocent crew members, race directors and anyone involved with me, this project or anything else I have done since the race.

Fortunately, beliefs have no effect on reality. (Although actions do have criminal and civil repercussions, so keep it up guys!) Ignoring the Impossible is what I have been doing for most of my running career. Empowering others to chase their dreams is what
Shu's Idaho Running Company has been doing for decades.
That is why we are partnering together this Tuesday, August 12th at 7:00 PM at the
Flick's Theater in Boise (646 W Fulton St). Benefiting
Girls on the Run, the showing of No Handoffs will be followed by a Q&A afterward open to all who wish to come down.
I invite anyone, fans or doubters, to come down and pepper me with questions. Come see with your own eyes how far a person can push themselves. Be inspired to take on new challenges. Refuse to be intimidated by naysayers.
Purchase your ticket at: SIRC 1758 W. State St. Boise OR The Flicks at 646 Fulton St Boise
Fee: $5.00